A quick, random update. I still don’t sleep early, I missed all the writing classes this year, I still watch (again) classic love stories I have already seen and I still am one of those who can enjoy coffee at night and not have trouble sleeping at all so my indulging in cups of good coffee or tea need not have any of-the-moment limits.
The good news is I do not eat as much red meat anymore, I have truly managed one year away from my comfort zone (Okay, okay — i still have my crying moments when things get tough but thats the way it is!), and I continue to hope for, believe in, and expect happy endings (Cheers to my good friends to tie the knot this 2011 - Nad & Ivy - to top the list. Let me mention as well those who are planning - Myrla & Ronald, Ryan & Faith, Homer & Tin, Luis & Irene. wohoo!).
I am reassessing the list of things I said I would do in 2010, and as lists go I have accomplished some, failed miserably at a few, and totally forgotten about the others.
Bravely and transparently, I want to share with you my new list for 2011, obviously and in no unnecessary terms an appendage to the ones from last year that I have either only half-completed or not at all. So help me God (I do not say that lightly, by the way). And like I always say, happiness is also the journey, not just the destination. On that note I say go ahead, make your own new list joyfully, truthfully and unapologetically, and take childlike pleasure in seeing your dreams and wishes, both big and small, come true!
1. Put a vanilla bean pod in the jar of white sugar I keep in the kitchen. That way, simple everyday cup of coffee and sugar will feel, and taste, like an extra special treat.
2. Go to bed earlier, and be deep in sleep between the 11 p.m. to 3 p.m. window that experts say is the optimum time when our organs regenerate. Heaven help me, I do not remember the last time I was in bed before 11 p.m.!
3. Be more curious about the way things are made and done. A little more knowledge is always a good thing.
4. Update all the lists I love to make and highlight those that already came true! The time to be grateful starts now!
5. Visit Koh Samui in Bangkok then fly to New York or California.
6. Staple all the little scraps of paper I scribble notes onto inside a blank book. That way, no idea I have gets lost and I will have a diary of sorts.
7. Find time to work with my hands, give life to all the little craft projects running around in circles in my mind.
8. Eat ice cream with milk always. Have you tried it this way? You pour about half a cup of fresh milk in a serving of ice cream. Yum.
9. Continue doing yoga. I truly feel it is something I could do for a long time to come. I love the feeling after and the fact that the one-hour session seems only like 20 minutes is something I take as a very good sign.
10. Write much and more often. Watch more movies. Read more books.
11. Love more. Stretch my heart to love even the most unlovable.
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