●★●Tears just fall from my eyes in a steady stream as I am reminded of my late dearest Lolo Cleto while watching the tributes for Dolphy. The love going around is almost palpable, even on TV, and there isn’t a soul watching that does not feel the family's pain, and peace — both together, not a breath apart.
●★●Tears are so beautiful — they are beautiful if they’re happy tears. I was in happy tears yesterday when everything went smoothly during the visa interview. Yes, we are all set for the Euro Trail (I will tell you more about it next time! Tears are beautiful also even when they are borne of pain. Pain when brought about by love, makes crying okay, in a way that is not even twisted.
●★●Nothing comes from nothing, and the way Dolphy has touched lives as we all allowed him into our homes and brought so happiness in his sterling career as an actor. For this, he deserves our fervent prayers.” It is such a blessing still that he is around to feel the outpouring of love.
●★●The good in a person is always extolled and magnified when he is gone, but almost never enough while he is still around to hear and appreciate it. On that note, let me share with you the eulogy I made for my Lolo (I meant to do it last Father's day but the sting became too much to bear again. How bittersweet!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anacleto Mendez Andes, Sr. (July 7, 1929 - March 12, 2012)---------------------------
●★●Let me share with you my most tender memories of my Lolo Cleto shaped from meals shared on the large wooden table where he enjoyed his meals. He always sat at one end of that table, on the same chair, in the same place.
●★●Tall, distinguished and very handsome, his was a kind face with pointed nose.
●★●He was a self-made man, the best teacher awardee at Bicol University College of Agriculture; understanding son to Mamay Ising and Papo Ninoy; supportive brother to Lolo Bunjo, Lolo Rower, Lola Tita, Lolo Erning and Lolo Jun. He is a very loving husband to Lola Aurora. A very hard-working father who valued education for his children - Auntie Jocelyn (Nurse), Auntie Nelly+ (Teacher), Auntie Genie (Nurse), Auntie Judy+ (Teacher), Ariel (dad - Business Management), Auntie Toms (Engineer), Uncle Jun (Seaman) and Auntie Annie (Physical Therapist). He's very sweet and playful to his many grandchildren, Ate Anne, me, Rey, Jayson, Nica, Yvette, Czarina, Haley and Ashley. Our good grades were always rewarded. He would always have a welcoming smile for the little ones - his great grandchildren, Bo and Reign (he was so excited too for Ate Anne's pregnancy!).
●★●I remember Lolo Cleto in his neatly pressed pleated pants and I would always be in awe of him. He was an honest man who always espoused living within one’s means, often saying that one should not develop nor sustain a "champagne taste with a beer income".
●★●Lolo was a stickler for good manners and at a very young age, I remember how he was loved by many for the effortless ease he had dealing with people from all walks of life. Rich or poor, he regarded them the same way.
●★●Lolo was never one to herald what he did in private, especially in terms of helping the needy. He generously lent his farm hands money – his was a series of random acts of kindness, maybe not really grandiose in nature but enough to impact his direct circle of the world. Those who knew him were all one in saying that and I have seen not just a few who still get a far-away, misty-eyed look in their eyes at the mention of his name.
●★●Now, I am not saying he was a saint because he had his own flaws and could be fierce when he had to, especially when it came to protecting and defending the people he loved. He was always looking out for our welfare.
●★●His death opened my eyes even more to the kindness and bigness of the heart of the man who not only lived his life with dignity and grace, but with much love. Thank you for the life that you shared warmly and brightly with those you met along life’s way. Know that your legacy will continue to inspire your family beyond the borders of time.
●★●We Love You!!!●★●