It's been a while from my last dive. I took my time to get comfortable again with the diving gears, wet suit, air tanks, weights around the waist, fins and be able to inhale and exhale automatically with the mouth in the regulator, clear the mask of water and remove pressure out of my ears while going down to enjoy what is under the water.
Down there is a different world that is so beautiful it will take your breath away. I remember the first time I dived.The hand sign to go up is thumbs-up. I saw a lot of beautiful things and I was so carried away, I made a thumbs-up sign. My dive buddy thought I wanted to go up already, but what I really meant was that everything was just tops, number one (Mhay, can you relate?lol).
The sunny skies, white sandy shores, and sparkling blue seas. Yes, just perfect for a day of scuba diving. But certainly, the splendor of underwater Philippines is still the best and with most marine life in the whole world. #reminiscingthewavesofPuerto Galera #NortherntipofMindoroIsland #thankyoudeepblueseadiving #waitingfortheunderwaterpics
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Blessed to Bless
Blessed. Regardless of its many definitions, it becomes essential when you acknowledge that you have God to thank for when you find yourself in a place of abundance. By this, I mean not just in in material resources, but also in other ways such as physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. It is a powerful feeling, having more than enough of what you need so that you can actually share it without feeling you have lost anything in the process. There is more where it came from, whatever it is. It feels like being in a state of wholeness, completeness. What could be a greater gift than that? Being able to attend the SFC - Middle East Conference this year is an early Christmas gift I gave myself. It does not take the place of your usual prayer life. It is there to supplement it, make it even deeper than it already is. There is a feeling of well-being, of serenity, of a peace that I cannot quite put my finger on. I am indeed blessed for moments such as this.❤
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Crazier than Usual
It was crazier than usual last week — and that’s saying a whole lot. In this age where crazy is ordinary, like when the firemen rushed because somebody in our accommodation almost burned the building down. At one point, it was hard not to tremble and not to think too far ahead and not worry about too many things (most of which did not really happen anyway).
The smoke seemed blew straight into my head at a friends birthday party. And that it is far from fun, totally crazy. Sometimes you just go where the wind blows and you find yourself in places and spaces you never knew could exist for you. Come to think of it, when will I try all that? When I am old? When my knees are so wrinkle? As you retreat back into yourself you alternately allow yourself a view of the bigger picture.
We cannot always control situations we find ourselves in but we can always stop when it gets too much. Be unapologetic about what you want to do eat a bit of chocolate every day (Patchi!); drink wine (the polyphenols reduce inflammation in the artery walls and improve blood flow to veins); find the best nothing thing to do (you are not always given that chance so when it’s there, grab it); dream of your next escape after a busy workday; dance or sing even you're not good at it because you simply enjoy it; wear to nowhere something really special that makes you feel instantly beautiful. Do whatever feeds and delights you.
This crazy little pleasure are quirky glimpses into the psyche of adults in general and more than we would probably care to admit. Every day is special, every day is a reason to celebrate. Staying true to this basic reality does bring into natural order an innate happiness that will sit stoutly and solidly within our hearts, fostering a more genuine and generous appreciation for all that is around us. ❤๐
The smoke seemed blew straight into my head at a friends birthday party. And that it is far from fun, totally crazy. Sometimes you just go where the wind blows and you find yourself in places and spaces you never knew could exist for you. Come to think of it, when will I try all that? When I am old? When my knees are so wrinkle? As you retreat back into yourself you alternately allow yourself a view of the bigger picture.
We cannot always control situations we find ourselves in but we can always stop when it gets too much. Be unapologetic about what you want to do eat a bit of chocolate every day (Patchi!); drink wine (the polyphenols reduce inflammation in the artery walls and improve blood flow to veins); find the best nothing thing to do (you are not always given that chance so when it’s there, grab it); dream of your next escape after a busy workday; dance or sing even you're not good at it because you simply enjoy it; wear to nowhere something really special that makes you feel instantly beautiful. Do whatever feeds and delights you.
This crazy little pleasure are quirky glimpses into the psyche of adults in general and more than we would probably care to admit. Every day is special, every day is a reason to celebrate. Staying true to this basic reality does bring into natural order an innate happiness that will sit stoutly and solidly within our hearts, fostering a more genuine and generous appreciation for all that is around us. ❤๐
Friday, August 24, 2012
Iam loving mornings now. And that’s something I never thought a happily nocturnal creature like me would ever declare. #hellosunshine☀๐ฑ๐☕
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ninoy Aquino's day
There is no better way to commemorate Ninoy’s death than to continue and live by his principles. His immortal exhortation, “The Filipino is worth dying for." Thank you for the courageous spirit and fervent desire to keep the path of democracy in our country. Let us also honor the sacrifice of each and every Filipino, who are heroes in their own right. For Sec Robredo, the epitome of a true and genuine public servant. We continue to pray that he is alive and well. It is our hope that the he managed to swim to safety or was brought by fishermen to a remote island, where communication happened to be poor.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Super Sunday
Its a super Sunday for me, pretty much eventful - brimming with fun time activities as if it were a delighted child let loose after her requisite afternoon siesta! #startedwitharuntochurch #feastdayofouraLadyofAssumption
#feelingfit #gymtime #iWorkout
#swimswimswim #thinkingtohaveabikesoon
#feelingfit #gymtime #iWorkout
#swimswimswim #thinkingtohaveabikesoon
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Euro Trail 2012 Mission Accomplished
And where do I even start to tell you where I’ve been, what I’ve been through and how I’ve felt, where I am right now?
Last month (July), I had the privilege of joining the SFC -Backpackers Team/ Euro Trail Mission Trip. This one fine July day, everything just fell into place. Looking back, I believe it was no coincidence that I was able to attend the mission, not anytime sooner or later.
It was my first time to be in Europe. The one thing I knew for sure was that I was going to throw all of me a hundred percent for 3 weeks if God willed it. I was going to give it my all, however long the days ahead would prove to be, however hard it got.
I say that not to be dramatic, but simply because we never quite know what awaits on the other side.
It would be a grave injustice if I even attempt to compress in one article what the mission is all about. Backpackers/ Euro Trails Mission is something that is appreciated more when it is personally experienced. In the same breath, let me start to randomly enumerate its fruits.
*I have had many surprises in my life, most of which turned out to be blessings, even if they did not initially seem that way. I just went along with the flow, trusting in a faithful God blindly. Who am I to say things can only be this way or that? I know better now to say that life's journey is never just about gentle, graceful pathways. It is also a lot about seemingly scary alleys' scary if only because of the uncertainties.
*Through all the uncertainty, the highs and lows, the physical, emotional and mental exhaustion,
has taught me to pray the hardest but most beautiful prayer, one that can be said in five little words “Lord, Your will be done.” That was the only prayer that gave me a great measure of peace. When you want to do little else but pull your hair out and throw your hands up in the air, there was always Heaven to look up to, God to call on.
*I would like to say that I am battle-scarred enough to know that in the greater scheme of things there is really very little we can control. You do what you can, with all you’ve got, hope for the best, but true wisdom will dictate that you must leave all else at God’s feet to do as He pleases.
*It has not been an easy ride, but we are rolling with the punches. I say "we" because I am not alone in this. I am surrounded by wonderful people, an amazing team. My battles are their battles, too, and together as a team we have lifted it all up to God for Him to do as His pleases. The latter has been the easiest part. As a matter of fact, it is the very thing that has kept us going, the one act that gives us breathing space, a time to exhale. It has been the constant factor, the knot that has held 10 individuals - team together, from the very start and I dare say all the way to the end.
*When you join a mission, a race, anything of that sort, underlying that is always the hope of finishing it, whatever the odds are. Thus far, we have managed decently, we have survived. It can be lonely at times but never lonely enough to lose heart. There have been far too many angels, surprisingly a lot of them I have not meet in person (not exactly strangers as they are all in the community. I have to mention, thank you CFC Greece) who have stepped up and offered help. If there were two things our team can boast of, that would be hard work and the hand of God. We do what we can with what we have at any given moment and leave the rest up to Him.
As I may quote Kuya Shok (team head), 'The mission is being accomplished. We are far from making our vision of making every single man and woman all over the world experience Christ, but we are on track. Especially, with missionaries like you- ready to finish the race no matter what (sickness, family matters and detention in Greece). We were set, you were set. Praise God!
Run the race! Keep it up and stay focused.
Paul said,
“I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." I Corinthians 9:23-24”
Friday, June 22, 2012
Nothing Comes from Nothing

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Never Say Never
Clichรฉd though it may sound, please never say never. I know that sounds like a Justin Bieber' s song but it’s true; it really is. There were three things I said over and over again that I would never do. Number one, to work overseas. Number two, be active again in SFC activities. Number three, join a beauty contest. I guess you pretty much have an idea how I fared with the first two — thank God it is way too late for the last one to ever happen for me.Haha! If you asked me after I graduated college how I pictured my life to be 5 years down the road I would not have described anything remotely close to what it is as I know it, now. Well, what can I say? Life truly is what happens while we are busy making plans.
Let’s backtrack a little here. I’m sure I have mentioned enough times in my past blogs how involved I am in the community I grew up with, Kids/ Youth/ Single's for Christ to the extent of going for Full time/ Missionary work after graduation. It was a long tough journey. When I decided to leave PI, I thought of leaving my service in SFC as well.
So. Here I am. This is where I am now. I am a Nurse. Mother Teresa once said “We do not always have to do great things, but we can always choose to do small things with great love.” I think of that often, actually, especially in my line of work. My job can get overwhelming — there is no room for mistake, we work under the pressure of dealing with life and death. Given the nature of work in the hospital, it meant practically moving your mental clock for the erstwhile untouchable holidays and for all intents and purposes.
The life of a nurse is more of a vocation. It’s a life of hard work and sacrifice. Every single day, there is a sea of people that we deal with. We try to get the patient’s trust and present a semblance of efficiency that will help turn the panic into confidence. We try to control the number of people who accompany the sick and knowing how to deal with tempers that flare up are additional skills required. My oh my! We give so much of ourselves, our energies and and our time, all in the name of making the world a better place.
I must not forget to say, after weeks when I came here in Dubai, it was not a conscious effort to look for household. Well. What do you know. Nothing is ever truly certain in this world. Structures are there to guide us, but we cannot put blinders on, be stubborn, and insist on following a rigid path towards how we would want life to play out. The world may give us different labels, but happiness comes in taking on every challenge, surrendering to every opportunity to make a difference, one day at a time. We are but channels of God’s mercy and goodness. It is never about us, it is always about Him.
Service gives meaning and purpose to life. Imagine if you live for yourself and yourself alone. Your world will be so small. You will be miserable. But step out of yourself and life becomes instantly beautiful. Instantly. Can you believe that? And that is essentially why we all are here. As children of God we know in our heart of hearts that we all must do our work in His garden.
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